Friday, November 9, 2012

Should The Chinese Government Break Off The Shackle

       For this project I studied two reasons that chinese
government should open up social media.

       This is an important issue that many Chinese
people concerned. More and more people are thirsty for having a free and open environment.

       This project presents my findings and hopefully acts as a guide for you to learn more about this topic. First, here is my video. I made my outlines and summaries about my topic. I have also provided some vocabulary words, which help us to understand this essay. Here I provide my summaries on two readings I’ve done on this topic. Finally, this is my formal argument where I detail my issues.

       I hope you enjoy learning about this topic because I sure have.. Please feel free to post a comment and let me know what you think – either about your reaction to my project or to engage an idea you found interesting.

Should The Chinese Government Break Off The Shackle

     Some people think it's not appropriate time to make the media free and public, because they think it's not helpful to the current development of China. In fact, it has become the topic that government often addressed. Time also proved most Chinese people got used to the restriction of social media. However, the development of multiple culture and globalization has opened people's minds, which means the Chinese government should open up social media completely.

      One reason that the Chinese government needs to make social media open and free is people have the right to express the freedom of speech. With the development of internet, more people express their thoughts and ideas online instead of traditional ways. In addition, there are many tools for people to use simply, like Google and You tube which are very popular and useful social media. However, the Chinese government control these social media which are thought to threaten the safety and privacy of government. The restriction like this causes people cant spread and share the information through You tube, also, people are not able to search engine because the filtering technology from government.

      Another reason that the Chinese government must relax the restriction of social media is it could limit the development of culture. As you know, the restriction of social media silenced the voice from people, including diversity of thoughts and ideas. Besides, China blocked the You tube and Facebook these tools which can help Chinese people to know the external world ,There are many values from other countries deserved to learn and absorb .Furthermore, it limits the process that Chinese and other countries learn each other, so it is bad for China not use their culture reference and communicate to the world. 

      Some people argue the freedom of social media is without borders that people can express any speeches including bad information. However, the restriction of social media is more serious because people will live under the shackle. Besides, the spread of bad information does not happen often, and the government also can control them once they became serious and harmful. But the way that restrict the social media is make the people less monitor and supervision the governmental actions and documents, the worse fact is that many human rights abuses will go undocumented, and peoples thoughts are oppressed strongly.

     In conclusion, the restriction of social media in China is not a wise choice not only for people but also the development of country. If the Chinese government opened up social media, Chinese people would accept and learn new concepts and ideas, they also would enjoy pleasure from free and open social media.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Essay Vocabularies learning

  The chinese government shouldn't restrict the social media

Censor ( noun or verb) [sen-ser]
Forms: censorship(noun)
Definition: To examine or forbid the public distribution
Sentence: The film came under the ban of censor

Surveillance ( noun) [ser-vey-luhns]
Definition: a watch kept over a person, group
Sentence: He is still police surveillance

Subsequent (adj) [suhb- si-kwuhnt ]
Definition:occurring or coming later or after
Sentence:Subsequent inspection found that the pilot had used fake information to obtain the license

oppressive (adj) [ uh-pres-iv]
Definition:burdensome, unjust severity
Sentence:People are expressing their anger against an oppressive activity.

Sophisticated (adj) [suh-fis-ti-key-tid]
Definition: altered by education, experience. so as to be worldly-wise
Sentence: This process ought to be highly sophisticated

The Government Shouldn't Restrict The Social Media


         In the article Should The Government Control Social Media, Lindsay Blair Ferrone shows an example how the president of Venezuela restricted the media due to the fake information that was spread. The author also points out it’s people’s rights to post and say their thoughts and opinions, but people couldn’t stop the president from using his own lengthy presidential broadcasts. In closing, the author thinks it’s a bad idea because it takes away people's' freedom to express themselves.

       In that article Is Social Media Damaging To Government Control, Lauren Dugan explains that social media like the facebook and youtube play an important role in spreading and sharing information for people. But the author points out that “enemies of internet” are attempting to restrict Internet access and censor the free exchange of information it enables. Furthermore, he emphasizes that China and Iran two countries that the government control social media tightly, In closing, the author point out Governmental censorship of the Internet is particularly damaging to citizens who lack the freedom of speech that so many take for granted.